File No.:
Battle Study # 24
Location of the Battle of
made at:
Boxtel, Municipality of
Boxtel, The Netherlands
(51°35'01.6"N 5°19'35.3"E)
Period Covered:14
- 15 SEP 1794
APR 2014
Location of Historic Events
of Case: Case
(click to enlarge)
Combat de Boxtel
Francois Grenier, C. de Last 1819
(Source: Rijks Museum,
Amsterdam) |
In 1794 the French revolutionist
invaded The Netherlands. British
and German coalition forces
tried to stop them.
During the retreat of the
coalition forces only one major
battle took place. The Battle of
During the battle an incident
took place from which British
soldiers derived their nickname
A mortally wounded soldier of
the 33rd Regiment of Foot told
his commander that his wounds
"all in a day's work" and
died shortly after this.
This soldier's name was Thomas
Atkins and his commander was
none other than the Duke of
Wellington of later
1815 fame when he defeated
Napoleon at Waterloo.
Several years ago, the local
Boxtel Historical Society,
knowing that the French
approached Boxtel from the West,
placed a marker near a pasture
at the outskirts of the town.
The spot was chosen by
assumption. |
(click to enlarge)
/Tommy_Atkins_Monument_1_small.jpg) /Boxtel_1_small.jpg) /Tommy_Atkins_Monument_2_small.jpg) /Tommy_Atkins_Monument_3_small.jpg) |
A 2011 archaeological find near
the Stapelen Castle in Boxtel,
approximately 3 miles South East
of this location
proved this location to be
incorrect. Fifty-five lead
musket and pistol balls where
found during excavation
work that year. We have been
investigating to establish the
exact combat scene of the Battle
of Boxtel. |
The Big Picture
The Battle of Boxtel was only a
minor incident during the
Flanders Campaign of 1793 and
It is mainly remembered because
during this battle Arthur
Wellesley, the future Duke of
had his baptism of fire here.
The Allied expedition had
planned to overthrow the French
Revolutionaries by invading
France from the North through
Belgium combined with similar
attacks from different
These forces initially made good
progress but later suffered
serious set-backs outside
Dunkirk and at Fleurus.
By 1794 the Allies were
retreating, pursued by the
French army.
This forced the British and
Dutch to pull back towards the
By the end of August the Duke of
York's British and German army
was positioned between the city
's-Hertogenbosch and the Peel
marshlands to the East. The
British line was protected by
the Rivers Aa and Dommel.
In mid-September the French
caught up with the Allied rear
echelon near the small town of
Boxtel, on the
Dommel River, and on the
Koevering Moor, North of the
village of St. Oedenrode, and
South of Veghel.
The Battle of Boxtel
The French general Pichegru
had just advanced from Antwerp
and had sent out a strong force
to occupy the city of Eindhoven.
On September 10th, Pichegru
turned East and advanced towards
the British outpost at Boxtel,
was defended by two Hessian
battalions. On September 14th,
the French captured Boxtel,
defeating three
German battalions from the Duke
of York's Allied army and taking
the Hessians prisoner.
The next day York sent a
division to recapture Boxtel.
This force consisted of ten
infantry battalions and ten
cavalry squadrons, with the
infantry made up of Guards
Brigade and 3rd Brigade. The
latter brigade had four infantry
battalions, among which
Wellesley's 33rd Foot.
Lieutenant-Colonel Wellesley
commanded the brigade while
Lieutenant-Colonel John
Sherbrooke had command of the
33rd that day.
Baptism of fire
As the British force advanced
towards Boxtel, it became
evident that they were in danger
of running into Pichegru's
main force. The order was given
to pull back to the starting
point and the British were
forced into a chaotic retreat,
pursued by French cavalry. When
two French infantry regiments
turned in pursuit of the
British, the retreat
threatened to turn into a rout.
However, the situation was saved
by the 33rd Foot, who formed up
into line and
fired a series of disciplined
volleys with their muskets,
driving off the French. The
young Wellesley was not directly
responsible for his men's good
behavior, but was given much of
the credit. After this rear
echelon action the British
returned to safety with the loss
of only 90 men.
British retreat
The British then withdrew East
to cross the River Meuse at
Grave. They then redeployed on
the North bank of
that river. The French soon
forced the British to surrender
this line too, and in early
October the Duke of York was
forced to retreat across the
River Waal. The British
continued their retreat
northwards and eventually
reached the
North Sea coast, where they were
withdrawn to Britain in 1795.
The French pushed on to
Amsterdam and overthrew
the Dutch Republic replacing it
with a satellite state. |
Tommy Atkins
The origins of the term "Tommy
Atkins" as a nickname for the
British soldier is said to have
originated during the
of Boxtel on September 15th 1794. At the end of the battle
Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur
Wellesley, commanding
the 33rd Regiment of Foot,
spotted among the wounded a 6'
3" tall soldier with twenty
years of service.
He was dying of three wounds; a
saber slash to his head, a
bayonet thrust in his chest, and
a bullet through
his lungs. The wounded man
looked up at Wellesley and
apparently thought his commander
was concerned,
because he said,
"It's alright sir. It's all in a
day's work", and then died.
The soldier's name was Private
Thomas Atkins, and his heroism
is said to have left such an
impression on Wellesley,
that when he was Commander in
Chief of the British Army he
recalled the name and used it as
a specimen on a
new set of soldiers' documents
sent to him for approval.
This may explain why the War
Office chose the name "Tommy
Atkins" as a representative name
in 1815.
Specimen forms of the "Soldier's
Book" issued for both the
cavalry and infantry in that
year, read "Tommy Atkins,
his X mark" at the space for the
soldier's signature.
Clues: Documents and
archaeological discoveries
There are only a few clues
as to where the exact Battle of
Boxtel, the capture of the town
by the French and, the
subsequent attempt of
recapturing it by the Guards and
Wellesley's 33rd Foot, took
A certain A.C. Brock from St.
Oedenrode entered in his
1794 a skirmish occurred here
between the French and the
English, of whom the latter were
put to flight,
but having caused fire first, by
which, fortunately nothing more
than the Barrier House, situated
on Steen Weg
was consumed." |
(Source: Ruud van
Nooijen, Boxtel Historical
Society, June 2012) |
Research showed that the Barrier
House was an office where
merchants, other than citizens
of Boxtel,
had to pay toll for using the
road to 's-Hertogenbosch. After
the battle, the burnt building
was rebuilt and today has
the address of No. 37 in
Clarissen Straat in Boxtel.
The location gives a clue about
where English troops had to
retreat and torched a building;
probably to cover their
withdrawal by the ensuing smoke. |
(click for enlargements)
The house
on No. 37 Clarissen Straat in
built on the location of Barrier
burnt by British troops during
their retreat from Boxtel in
1794 |
In 2011 55 lead projectiles were
found during excavation work of
some ecological passageways near
the Stapelen
A local periodical wrote about
it: |
"55 lead projectiles likely
date back to 1794
Bullets from Battle of Boxtel
Author: Henk van Weert
Last Fall 55 lead pistol- and
musket bullets were found during
the reconstruction of a field
defense structure from
1839 near Stapelen Castle.
Archeologists weren't able to
determine their dates but Boxtel
Historical Society's chairman Dik Bol does not
expect that these projectiles
date back to the period of the
Belgian revolt, in light of
which the so-called redoubt
was raised. He suspects that the
projectiles date back to
September 1794, when the Battle
of Boxtel raged during
the French arrival in the town.
Last year, when the Water
Control Board also deepened some
pools between Eindhovense Weg
and Parallel
Weg Zuid in light of an
ecological passage way, the
Historical Society suggested
using the dirt from these
for the reconstruction of the
Konijnshol redoubt defense
structure. This plan was
executed and during the
excavation work an archeologist
went to work using, among other
items, a metal detector. Thus,
next to 55 lead
bullets in various sizes, four
horseshoes were found and some
small metal objects.
"The redoubts have never been
used in combat. Shortly after
they had been raised The
Netherlands and Belgium
singed a peace treaty rendering
the field defense structures
obsolete. Most of them were
demolished, in Boxtel
two remained intact. One near
the De Langspier recreational
pond, in the garden of the
Hazenberg Family and
one in Molenwijk park; the
so-called Heksenberg" explains
Bol. He thinks that the bullets
are about fifty years older.
"In 1794 the French also took
their revolutionary motto of
liberty, equality and
brotherhood to the Netherlands.
This advance did not see combat
because in January 1795 the
French were able to cross the
frozen Meuse and
Rhine Rivers. One place is an
exception: Boxtel", Bol
According to the Historical
Society's Chairman the army of
the Republic of The Netherlands
had demolished all the
bridges across the Dommel River
and had settled at Boxtel with
two thousand soldiers, among
them many German mercenaries
from Prussia, Hesse and
Hannover. A larger English
force, supporting the
Netherlands, was stationed
a bit to the East, near
"On September 14th Boxtel was
captured by the French in a
matter of three hours and I do
not rule out that this
was with the help of citizens
with French sympathies ; the
so-called patriots. We know that
the well-known land
surveyor and politician Hendrik
Verhees was such a patriot. The
two thousand men of the
'Holland' army captured,
disarmed and sent home," Bol
Some years ago along Kapel Weg,
near Sint Jacobs Hoef dirt
track, a work of art by Huub
Thorissen remembering
the battle of Boxtel was
unveiled. "At the time we did
not know exactly where the
battle had taken place. It was
a known fact that the French
advanced from Western direction,
and therefore we chose this spot
for the monument
at the time. Now that we have
found these bullets near
Eindhovense Weg, this location
does not seem so likely for
a battlefield.
Given the recent unearthed
discoveries, Historical Society
Chairman Bol expects that the
French have crossed the Dommel
River on the East side of
Stapelen Castle. "The next
morning at seven o'clock and
west of Schijndel,
a small section of the English
auxiliary troops stood ready to
start the attack on the French
and recapture Boxtel. However,
after several hours they
discovered that the French were
much stronger and the English
Thus, the Battle of Boxtel
lasted two days", Bols states.
The battle went into history as
the event where the nickname
Tommy for British soldiers was
coined. [...]" |
(click to enlarge)
According to
the Boxtel Historical Society
the lead bullets which were
in the sand with which the
redoubt has been reconstructed
date back to the
Battle of Boxtel which was
waged during the advance of the
French army.
(Source: Brabants Centrum
No. 35, Thursday August 30th
2012, Page 6) |
(click for enlargements)
/Stapelen_3b_small.jpg) /Stapelen_1_small.jpg) /Stapelen_3a_small.jpg) /Stapelen_2_small.jpg) /Stapelen_6_small.jpg) /Stapelen_4_small.jpg) /Stapelen_5_small.jpg)
pool and Dommel River bridge near
the Stapelen Castle |
We were given the opportunity to
examine the artifacts from the
Stapelen Castle toad pool by
chairman of the Boxtel
Historical Society; mr. Dik Bol. |
(click for enlargements)
/Boxtel_Bullets_1_small.jpg) /Boxtel_Bullets_2a_small.jpg) /Boxtel_Bullets_2_small.jpg)
/Boxtel_Bullets_3_small.jpg) /Boxtel_Bullets_4_small.jpg) /Boxtel_Bullets_5_small.jpg) /Boxtel_Bullets_6_small.jpg) /Boxtel_Bullets_7_small.jpg) |
Based on the locations where
the lead bullets were found and
where Barrier House was set in
fire, we have
developed this scenario of the
Battle of Boxtel on September
14th, 1794. The French crossed
the Dommel
River on the East side of
Stapelen Castle where rifle fire
was exchanged with the defenders
of Boxtel. The latter retreated
in Eastern direction along a
line running North to South and
torched the Barrier House,
North of the castle.
This was probably done in order
to have the smoke and flames
prevent the troops withdrawing
from their
positions from being seen by
their attackers.
The planned British
counterattack on September 15th,
never reached Boxtel.
We have plotted the locations on
a period map which was drawn by
a man named Hendrik Verhees, a
patriot with sympathies for the
occupying French. The map is
directed to the East with North
to the left side of the map.
Verified locations of the
Battle of Boxtel plotted on a period
(click to enlarge)
"The village of
with its surroundings. Taken from
the map
of the Bottom of Elde, drawn by H.
Registered land surveyor, in the year 1803."
(Source: Brabant
Collection, Tilburg University) |
Near the site of the 55 lead
bullets, other artefacts where
found as well. Shown are metal
objects such as a prayer
medallion, a clothing hook, a
coin, and seals for closing
postage bags.
Also three complete horseshoes
were found as well as a large
part of one. It is not known how
these items ended
up on the battlefield but may
have been from an officer's
horse or a cavalry unit. |
(click for enlargements)
/Artefacts_2.jpg) |
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