A striking resemblance, although not
when comparing the
Now & Then
but of Dutch civilians meeting the
paratroopers on the Drop Zone.
Left: 501st veteran
Priest looks up at
miller Mark Dwarswaard,
shortly after the
jump of the
Airborne Demonstration Team near Eerde,
September 17th 2004.
Right: Johan, Wim and Anneke
van Nostrum greet Airborne
soldiers on the edge of the Drop
Zone of Son, September 17th 1944.
Another striking resemblance, on
(almost) the same location, in Son,
Left: Battle Detective
Tom stands in for the Tommy gun
toting trooper giving candy to
Anneke van Nostrum,
who, in turn, was played by one of the youngest members of the
Yank Reenactment group.
Right: The original and
completely developed US Army Signal
Corps Photo.
For more recreated period
photographs, visit this

Unlike the investigator in the
illustration pictured above,
battledectives maintain
a professional attitude, reflecting
this website's commitment to
uncovering the truth
and respecting those who lost their
lives on the battlefield.
(Effective January
1st, 2008 Battledetective.com
conducts its
investigations and prepares its
reports of case files
in accordance with
Chapter 14 of War Department
FM 19-20, dated April 1945)