
This year Battledetective.com
participated in several events
commemorating the 64th anniversary
of Operation "Market Garden", the
Allied plan to force a bridgehead
into The Netherlands in order to
by-pass the Siegfried Line and to
enter into Nazi Germany in September
1944. This is a brief report of the
commemorations and events we
attended and actually took part in.
Oosterbeek, Saturday September
6th 2008
Since 1946, every year the
Municipality of Renkum Police Sport
Association organizes the Airborne
March. It is the largest one-day
marching event in the world. In this
62nd edition, 32.212 people either
walked 10, 15, 25 or 40 kilometers.
Battledetectives Tom, Ivo and good
friend Wilbert joined ranks in a
marching group of 40, dressed in
period uniforms, weapons and
equipment of the First British
Airborne Division as worn and
carried during the Battle of Arnhem.
The detail was reinforced with a
section of marchers in US
paratrooper uniforms. This day was a
very warm one but nevertheless
everyone in the living history
marching group made it across the
finish line.

This is an impression of the march:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
Eerde, Wednesday September 17th
Being host to
Mark Durivage who would make no less
than four commemorative jumps in the
Netherlands in three days, Battledetective Tom took his guest
to several events and historic
locations along "Hell's Highway". On
Wednesday, the 17th of September
they were present at the annual
commemoration of the liberation of
the village of Eerde (today, it is
part of the Municipality of Veghel)
on that date in 1944. This year for
the first time an honor guard
consisting of a color guard and a
rifle squad were present. It was
made up of Belgian and Dutch
This is an impression of the
ceremony at the monument to the
501st Parachute Infantry Regiment;
the unit that freed Eerde from Nazi
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

With Ray Nagell of
the 321st Glider Field Artillery Bn.
After the ceremony there was the
traditional coffee at the Eerde
windmill. Local historians had made
a modest exhibition inside the
windmill building. Historian and
parachutist Erwin Janssen (consulted
in several of our investigations)
sold copies of the 2009 calendar of
his jump organization; The
World War
II Airborne Demonstration Team. Tom
got his copy and was later reminded
by several people that the September
2009 page features him!
(Click on the
thumbnail to enlarge)

Tom either just looks like the
paratrooper in the center of the
photograph or he must have pulled
the old Forrest Gump-trick! |
Eindhoven, Thursday September
18th 2008
Battledetective.com is proud to
announce that on Thursday, September
18th, on the day the city of
Eindhoven annually celebrates the
fact it was liberated by the 101st
Airborne in 1944, an exhibition on
this subject was inaugurated in the
Veterans House. We helped making the
exhibition by putting part of our
collection on display. Other
collectors and historians also
contributed by lending items and
photographs to create an exhibition
covering several rooms and hallways.
Veterans House in Eindhoven is
the second of its kind in The
Netherlands. It is a large mansion
that is used as a social 'living
room' for veterans of all conflicts
and peace keeping deployments to
meet each other.
In the inaugural speech, veterans of
the United States armed forces were
welcomed in the Veterans House.
Present were several American
veterans of the Viet Nam War and
World War Two.
Honorary Sergeant Major of the
506th, Joseph M. Bossi, who is a
past president of the 101st Airborne
Division Association and a veteran
of the Viet Nam War, serving with
the 327th and the 506th, made a
speech and presented the newly
designed colors of the 101st's 4th
Brigade. It has the colors of the
national flag of the Kingdom of The
Netherlands in it:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

We have
consulted Mr. Bossi on the subject
of military strategy in several of
our case files.
Also present was combat medic Robert
Wright who we, of course, all know
as the
decorated World War Two veteran
Angoville-au-Plain fame.
Here Mr. Wright inspects our display
of several items about the actions
of the 101st during Operation
"Market Garden".

Veterans House coordinator Jan
Coolen points combat medic Wright to
some medical items:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
 An impression of the display:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
 The exhibition lasts until October
25th and can be visited in the
Veterans House on No. 17 Smits
Straat in Eindhoven. If you are not
a veteran, please contact the
Veterans House first through their
website or through our
After darkness fell over the city of
Eindhoven, we witnessed the annual
Torch parade and ceremonies on
Stadhuis Plein (City Hall Square) |
Son, Friday September 19th 2008
As in the December 2007
commemorative jump near the Rolle
Castle outside Bastogne, Belgium, we
were given the honor again to ride
in the C-47 named "Drag-Em-Oot" that
flew the parachutists of the Liberty
Jump Team to their Drop Zone North
of Son, Holland. Battledetective Tom
was modestly instrumental in
obtaining land owner's permission
for the use of some pastures to land
in. These fields were in the same
area designated Drop Zone C in
September 1944. That Friday morning,
jumpers and jump master were taken
to the DZ first to inspect
suitability, wind direction,
location of obstacles such as the
power line pylons and other
parachutist s technicalities.
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
Master was Major Frank Braun.
Note him resembling Major Wellems of
the 82nd Airborne Division's
commanding officer of Second
Battalion of the 504th:

After the inspection of the DZ and a
short safety briefing, the group
took off for the C-47, waiting on
the tarmac of the Soesterberg Air
The flight to Son lasted about
twenty minutes and was uneventful.
No turbulence of any significance.
Two sticks of six jumpers each were
unloaded over the original DZ and
all came down in good order. One of
the jumpers who was in contact with
the DZ crew by two-way radio, handed
the walky-talky to Tom who then
maintained radio contact with
Liberty Jump Team Drop Zone
coordinator Jil Launay of Roanoke,
Texas. Although, or maybe because,
Tom was completely suited up in
World War Two jump gear, jump boots
and a main parachute inspected by
the jump master prior to boarding
the C-47, Jill instructed him over
the radio not to even consider to
stand up, hook up and shuffle out
the door now that all jumpers had
left the plane. Tom acknowledged and
rode "Drag-Em-Oot" back to
Soesterberg and sorted out the
static lines that remained inside
the plane's fuselage.
This is an impression of the
preparation and the ride to the jump:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

Battledetective.com made videos of
the C47 ride to the Drop Zone and
the jumpers exiting the plane. To
view these videos, click
Later that day, Mark Durivage also
made a jump in
British combat attire
on a DZ near Wolfheze. Unfortunately
we could not make it in time to
witness it. |
Ginkel Heath, Saturday September
20th 2008
To commemorate the Battle of Arnhem,
parachutists from armies and air
forces of various countries each
year make jumps from C130 Hercules
and C47 Dakota aircraft on the
original Drop Zone on Ginkel Heath
near Arnhem. Mark Durivage made a
jump on this drop zone with the
Pathfinder Parachute Group Holland.
This time two plane loads of jumpers
were flown to Ginkel and the pilot
of "Drag-Em-Oot" used the so-called
'hot-load' method to pick up jumpers
from Soesterberg Air Base. This
means that he just set his plane on
the tarmac to allow jumpers to board
the aircraft with the engine still
running and then take off for the DZ
On the DZ we met Erwin Janssen and
his wife again:

This is an impression of activities
on this historic DZ:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

Groesbeek, Sunday September 21st
This Sunday, "Drag-Em-Oot" dropped
several sticks of jumpers from the
Pathfinder Group of parachutists in
World War Two uniforms on the
original Drop Zone near Wyler Baan
outside Groesbeek, The Netherlands.
This DZ was used by the 508th
Parachute Infantry Regiment of the
82nd Airborne on September 17th,
In the first stick, Mark Durivage
made a perfect landing on a field he
described as like landing on a
Together we watched our good friend
Wilbert land in a subsequent stick:

(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
also made a perfect landing and
Mark's medical skills were not
There was time for being a good
ambassador for the US and for a
certain Pennsylvanian chocolate
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

Not every jumper had to walk back
from the DZ:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

encounters on the edge of the DZ:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

Forensic evidence of the fact that
this field was the same as the
jumpers used on this bright Sunday:
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

After sixty years, plowed-over
scraps of camouflaged parachute
cloth still lay strewn all over the
field. |
Grave, Sunday September 21st 2008
After field packing their canopies,
daisy-chaining their shroud lines
and putting their chutes into
parachute bags, Wilbert and Mark
rode with Tom to the bridge at
Grave, crossing the Maas River.

This bridge was the objective of
"E"-Co./504th of the 82nd Airborne
in September 1944. At that time, the
bridge had been defended by a force
of German troops manning a 20
millimeter canon on the roof of a
concrete casemate built by the Dutch
in the years leading up to the
attack on their country by the
Nazis. The casemate is now open to
the public and just when we arrived
a group of British Army sappers
(engineers) and their tour guide US
Army major Korth were paying the
position a visit.
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
After exchanging some experiences of
the past "Market Garden"- days the
British and their tour guide
departed and we entered the

This is an impression of what the
defenders inside the casemate could
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

This battlefield tour ended our
participation of the 64th "Market
Garden" commemoration.
(Click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)

We all feel that this was a dress
rehearsal for the next year's 65th
which may be the last large scale
commemoration with actual veterans
present. |
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