Best & Eindhoven, Friday, September 18th
Near the crossroads of Sonse Weg
and Schietbaan Laan in Best, a
monument was dedicated to Lt-Colonel
Robert G. Cole, commanding officer
of 3rd Bn./502nd.
At this location Cole, who was
awarded the Medal of Honor
posthumously for his actions three
months earlier in Normandy, was
killed by a sniper on Monday
September 18th 1944.
Cole’s son executed the unveiling
ceremony. It was followed by a
speech by Colonel Jenkins, commander
of 4th Brigade, 506th Infantry
Regiment, 101st Airborne Division
(Air Assault).
(click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
After the playing of the Dutch and
American anthems, two World War Two
vintage airplanes flew over the
(click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
To us, this held some irony as these
planes flew at the same altitude and
in the same direction as the
American fighter planes that strafed
Cole’s position. This caused Cole to
lay out air recognition panels in
the field in front of his battalion,
exposing him to the German sniper
who killed him. See also
Battle Study # 10.
Like the previous year, Tom
organized an exhibition in the
Veterans House in Eindhoven. The
opening ceremony had much of the one
in the year before. Only this time
the WW2 ADT parachute team was
present; in 2008 it was the Liberty
Jump Team. This year two rooms where
used for the exhibition. One room
shows a message center in a Command
Post of the 101st as it could have
been in operation in Eindhoven in
September 1944.
The exhibition will be in the
Veterans Home in Smits Straat until
January 2010.
(click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
After the ceremony, visitors, as
well as the members of the Airborne
Demonstration Team and the veterans
they hosted, walked to City Hall
Square in Eindhoven for the annual
Torch Parade. After the parade there
was a reception in City Hall.
(click on the
thumbnails to enlarge)
1 Battle
Detective Kim with veteran Bill
2 Battle
Detective Tom and Colonel Jenkins,
commander of 4th Brigade,
506th Infantry Regiment, 101st
Airborne Division (Air Assault)