Operation "Market Garden" +68
September 2012 was the month of the
68th anniversary of Operation
""Market Garden", the Allied plan to
end World War Two in 1944.
This anniversary, again, was not a
jubilee and we attended
significantly less events than in
previous years.
This is our report of "Market Garden
Heeswijk Castle, Friday September
14th 2012
On this day we were invited guests
at the official book presentation
for the long awaited publication
Orange is the Color of the Day by
Belgian historian Michel DeTrez and
co-author Peter Hendrikx.
After a kick-off ceremony for a
three day historical event on the
grounds of the Heeswijk Castle, both
authors held a presentation in the
castle's Knights Hall.
Our good friend Cor Geluk of the
Yank Re-enactment Group was also
The two volume book shows more than
1200 photos and weighs over 13 lbs.
This agency has contributed to the
creation of this book by doing
research and we are mentioned on the
Acknowledgment page.
After the official presentation of
the first copy to US Army attaché
Colonel Buzzerio an informal
gathering was held at a WW2 tent
camp near the Castle.
There we took the opportunity to
interview veteran Jack Womer, member
of the 506th Parachute Infantry
Regiment’s Pathfinder team, also
known as the "Filthy Thirteen".
Of course we had our own copy signed
by the authors.
We also met our friend Guido Wilmes
and found him setting up a display
showing how Army chaplain Father
Sampson had landed in the castle’s
moat on September 17th 1944.
After posing with the belles of the
camp we left this historical area. |
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Son, Sint Oedenrode, Best, Eindhoven,
Eerde, Heeswijk, Sunday September
16th 2012
In the morning of this September
day, the men of the Remember
September 1944 Foundation had
organized a monument dedication
A new monument on a raised road
honors the men of the IXth Troop
Carrier Command during operation
Market Garden on the missions
towards the drop- and landing zones
north of the town of Son.
The area was used by six Troop
Carrier Groups to fly in the 101st
Airborne Division. Foundation
Spokesman Tom Peeters, Mayor
Galliard of the Municipality of Son
& Breugel and Michael Larkin, son of
a glider pilot, held speeches. An
elegant monument was then unveiled
from under a yellow period parachute
canopy. |
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As on cue, the men of the 101st
Airborne Division (Air Assault)
Parachute Demonstration Team out of
Fort Campbell, Kentycky made a
perfect jump from a C-47 "Vomit
Comet" on the original World War Two
Drop Zone. |
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It was then time for the annual
Airborne Friends' tour along the
monuments in the city and towns
liberated by the 101st Airborne in
the first days of Operation "Market
For the fourth year in a row, Tom
was the 'master of ceremonies'
during the various wreath laying
The Airborne Friends held their
Remember September Dinner in Sint
We attended the gathering.
Special guests were World War Two
veterans Ken Woolley (British Royal
Engineers) and Ray Nagell (321st
Glider Field Artillery Battalion, US
101st Airborne Division).
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Entire Area of Operations of
"Market Garden", Monday
September 17th 2012 On this
day, Tom hosted a private tour along
most of the significant sites of
Operation "Market Garden".
The trip started at the start of
point of the ground troops of the
British 30th Corps in Lommel,
Stops were made at the British
Cemetery in Valkenswaard, the Drop-
and Landing Zones in Son, the Wings
of Liberation Museum in Best, the
locations where Lt-Col. Cole and PFC
Joe Mann of the 502nd Parachute
Infantry Regiment had been killed in
Action, the river bridges in
Nijmegen and Arnhem and ended in the
Airborne Museum in Oosterbeek. |
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In the evening we attended the
annual Airborne Ceremony at the
Geronimo Monument in Eerde.
Veteran Ray Nagell was present and
British author Ian Gardner signed
his new book Deliver Us From
This agency has contributed to the
creation of this book too by doing
research for the author.
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Eindhoven, Tuesday September 18th
This year we choose to limit our
visit to the festivities
commemorating the city of Eindhoven
to the reception in the city hall.
There we met with the men of the
101st Airborne Parachute
Demonstration Team.
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1) Mayor Van
Gijzel of Eindhoven with the 101st
Airborne Division (Air Assault)
Parachute Demonstration Team
2) Battle Detective Tom with
PDT members
3) SSGT Gough with Jan Coolen of
the Dutch Airborne Friends and Jan
Coolen of the Eindhoven Veteran's
Home |
We later joined the PDT to have
drinks in the "Irish Embassy"; the
O'Shea's Pub in downtown Eindhoven. |
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This social gathering, very much
like some of the men in the 506th
Parachute Infantry Regiment had
experienced during their liberation
of Eindhoven, exactly 68 years
earlier, concluded our involvement
in this year’s Commemoration of
Operation “Market Garden”. |
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