File No.:
Battle Study # 23
Battle of Riggins Hill,
American Civil War
made at:
Clarksville, Montgomery
County, Tennessee
32' 38.09", -87° 25' 33.84")
Period Covered:
05 - 07 SEP 1862
NOV 2012
Location of Historic Events
of Case: Case
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The Battle of Riggins Hill in
1862 was part of a Union
strategy to recapture the
Tennessee town of Clarksville.
In February of that year
Clarksville had been captured by
the Union without any
significant use of force. After
the fall of nearby Fort Donelson,
most of the Confederate
garrison, and the civilian
population, of Clarksville had
left the area. Fort Defiance,
designed to defend the city
against Union gunboats was found
abandoned by Union Marines, who
had disembarked from a US Navy
vessel which had sailed up the
Cumberland unopposed. After
several months of occupation the
city was retaken by the
Confederates. This lead to the
Union’s plan to take Clarksville
for good. This Battle Study
describes the Battle of Riggings
Hill which raged west of the
city and was the major battle of
the Civil War in the Clarksville
Capture of Clarksville
Clarksville was an important
city for both the Confederacy
and the Union because of its
strategic location with railroad
bridges across the Cumberland
and Red rivers.
In November 1861, Confederate
troops began to build a
defensive fort with three canons
that would control the river
approach. They understood that
if the Cumberland River should
fall into Union hands, their
gunboats would have access deep
into Confederate territory.
Union troops could then destroy
the railway bridges, putting
Confederate supply lines out of
On February 19, 1862 the Union
ironclads, the "Conestoga" and
the "Cairo" approached
They led troop
transport ships that disembarked
Union troops near Trice Landing.
The federal soldiers quickly
covered the hill and the outer
works of Fort Defiance.
The only
thing reportedly found was a
white flag flying, and all the
Confederate troops gone.
Flag Officer Commodore Andrew H.
Foote reported to Brigadier
General Ulysses S. Grant that
all forts were deserted and the
enemy garrison en route toward
Federal forces now
occupied Clarksville, and the
state Capitol at Nashville fell
soon afterwards.
Union troops enlarged Fort
Defiance so that it would
control traffic on the
Hopkinsville Pike in Kentucky.
Clarksville was left with a
small garrison of Union troops.
In April 1862, this small
garrison was made up of the 71st
Ohio Volunteers commanded by
Colonel Rodney Mason.
July and August 1862, saw an
increase in guerrilla activity
around Clarksville. On August
18, 1862, Clarksville was
recaptured by Confederate
Cavalry. Colonel Mason was
disciplined and degraded for
surrendering Clarksville so
easily. Union soldiers were sent
from Fort Donelson to retake
Clarksville in September 1862.
Battle of Riggins Hill
With Clarksville again in
Confederate control, Union
infantry left the town of Dover,
west of Clarksville, on Sept. 5,
1862, with 1,050 men and two
sections of artillery. Both
armies met just outside of Dover
and clashed head-on.
Rebel forces, greatly
outnumbered, were pushed back
toward what was then the town of
New Providence.
In a series of
delaying tactics, the rebels
came to a small ridge on the
property of Mr. A.J. Riggins.
Many townspeople joined in what
was later called the Battle of
Riggins Hill. The fight
continued on September 6 and 7,
and the Confederates were pushed
all the way back through New
Providence and into Clarksville,
which was retaken.
The town and fort were
reoccupied by Federal troops who
remained for the rest of the
Colonel Bruce was placed in
command at Clarksville and Fort
Defiance was renamed Fort Bruce.
(click for enlargements)
initial capture of
Clarksville is best
described in a New York
Times front page story
on February 21st
1862, titled "UP THE
Trip of
the Conestoga to
Correspondence of the
New-York Times.
Gunboat (Flagship)
Clarksville, Tenn., Feb.
21, 1862.
morning, Com. FOOTE
proceeded up the
Cumberland in this boat,
accompanied by the
gunboat Cairo, carrying
fifteen heavy pieces. At
10 A.M., we passed the
Cumberland Iron Works,
owned in part by Hon.
John Bell. His two
partners went down as
prisoners on Tuesday on
the St. Louis. The
contracts for supplying
guns and iron sheathing
were found, and the
mills set on fire ; and
as we came up, nothing
remained but the
chimneys and the
machinery amid the dying
embers. These fine works
cost a quarter of a
million dollars.
At 3
P.M., to-day, we reached
"Linwood Landing", about
two miles below the city
of Clarksville, and as
we rounded the point, we
discovered a white flag
flying on
Fort Severe,
located on top of a high
hill, at the junction of
Red River with the
Cumberland. Our men were
ordered to the guns, and
we proceeded slowly up
the Red River landing.
As we rounded the bend
in the river under the
fort, no flag appearing
on the fort on the
opposite side of Red
River, one of the
officers waved his
handkerchief, and in
less than ten seconds,
one nearly covered with
mud went up, it having
blown down during the
storm. We now discovered
smoke rolling up from
the railroad bridges
over the
Cumberland and
Red Rivers, which had
been set on fire by the
rebels as soon as we
came in sight. A force
of marines were taken to
the fort, the Stars and
Stripes run up, and the
place left in charge of
Sergeant Chas. WRIGHT,
while the boats
proceeded to Clarksville
flags are flying all
through the town, and
the boat was literally
beset with people as
soon as we touched the
shore. As the
Commodore's flag was wet
with rain, it looked
dark colored, and one of
the frightened people
exclaimed, "See there –
they have got the black
flag up" another,
pointing to the Cairo,
asked what that thing
was ; on being told it
was a gunboat, he said
"he'd be dog-on-ed if
they weren't the very
devil." One man thought
if they had their
artillery there, they
would clean out our
craft in about five
two-thirds of the people
had deserted the place.
Severe is a fine
fortification, admirably
located, but is not
finished, having but two
12-pound guns in
position, and a
42-pounder ready to go
to its place.
Clarke is a low affair,
mounting two 24-pounders
and one 32, they are all
smooth bores ; the
old-fashioned guns from
the Norfolk Navy-yard.
The powder we found was
so poor that the
commander said it would
not pay to bring it
anyway, so he ordered it
pitched into the river.
At noon we again headed
down, probably for
Fort Donelson, to get a force
of mortar-boats and
additional gunboats, and
before this reaches you
we shall be in
possession of Nashville.
XI---NO. 3259. NEW-YORK,
Tuesday, March 4, 1862 |
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mid-August 1862,
Confederate cavalry
recaptured Clarksville
to disrupt Union
transportation on the
Cumberland River to
Nashville and to gather
new recruits and
Early in
September, Union Col.
William W. Lowe led
1,100 men including
detachments of the 5th
Iowa Cavalry, the 71st
Ohio, 11th Illinois, and
13th Wisconsin Infantry,
as well as sections of
Flood’s and Starbuck’s
Illinois Batteries to
retake the town in early
As Lowe
marched eastward from
Dover, scouts from
Confederate Col. Thomas
Woodward's 2nd Kentucky
Cavalry fired on the
column as it neared
Clarksville on September
7. Woodward's force
numbered some 700 men
including armed
townsmen. The Federals
pushed the Confederates
back for a few miles to
their main line at
Riggin's Hill. The
center of the line was
among a ridge across
present-day U.S. Route
79 and Dotsonville Road
near here. The
dismounted Confederates
used woods, rail and
stone fences, and houses
and barns as cover.
men deployed on a
parallel ridge south and
west of here as his
artillery opened fire,
causing havoc in the
Confederate position.
After forty-five
minutes, Woodward's line
began to buckle, and
when Lowe's flank units
pushed forward, the
Confederate line
collapsed. Lowe's
cavalry aggressively
pursued Woodward's men
through Clarksville.
Confederate losses were
17 killed, 40 wounded,
and about 50 captured.
Reported Union losses
were "negligible".
Federals occupied
Clarksville and reopened
the river as a supply
line. With too few
Federal troops to hold
the area, however,
Clarksville was not
permanently occupied
until December 1862.
Clashes over the control
of the river continued
in this area until late
in 1864, when the Union
finally gained the upper
Sign on corner of
Magnolia and Dover
Roads, Clarksville,
Tennessee, part of the
Tennessee Civil War
Trails www.CivilWarTrails.org |
(click for enlargement)
(click for enlargements)
The town of Clarksville,
Tennessee was located on a
strategically important
location. Well placed artillery
position should provide adequate
protection for the Cumberland
and Red Rivers as well as the
rail road bridges across them.
The Union victory at Fort
Donelson on February 16, 1842,
three days before the
"Conestoga" and the "Cairo"
arrived in Clarksville, must
have such a demoralizing effect
that the Confederate garrison
left Fort Defiance and
Clarksville. The town’s
seemingly effortless recapture
was an embarrassment to Union
generals and a full scale
infantry operation with cavalry
and artillery support was
launched. This resulted in the
Battle of Riggins Hill.
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Two Confederate Musket Balls and a
Union Minié Bullet were donated to this
agency by William F. Parker, M.A.,
historical interpreter at Fort
Defiance. |
(click for enlargement)
Wlliam Parker (l.)
explaining a young visitor of Fort
about daily life as a soldier in the
Civil War.
ClarksvilleNow.com) |
These bullets have been found by
Parker in the area of the Battle of
Riggins Hill.
Coincidentally Parker’s Mother’s
maiden name is Riggins and is
related to the family on Riggins
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To read a famous
battlefield myth about a woman being
impregnated by a Minié bullet during
the Civil War, click
here. |
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