Case Title: Dutch
Partisan Killed In Action
Subject: Retreating
Wehrmacht soldiers shoot Dutch
Resistance Fighter Van Den
Boogaard on guard duty
at Post Office.
Date: September 18th, 1944
Location: Eindhoven,
Understanding the importance of
the Post Office building in the
center of Eindhoven, housing the
regional telephone exchange,
members of the Partisan
Organization put guards at the
doors. Meanwhile, inside,
telephone operator Joke
Lathouwers established contact
between elements of the British
30th Corps South of Eindhoven
and officers of the 101st
Airborne Division in Son.
Son 244 is the phone number
of the 101st Airborne Division
In A Bridge Too Far by Cornelius
Ryan (1974 ISBN
978-0-340-93398-5) we read:
“With contact finally
established, discussion
immediately turned to the Son
bridge. Waiting British
engineering units needed
complete details in order to
bring forward the materials and
equipment needed to repair the
damaged crossing. Sappers,
moving up alongside Vandeleur's
lead columns, prepared to rush
to the bridge the moment the
advance picked up again.
Information could have been
passed by radio, but the
Americans had already discovered
a simpler method. The surprised
British were radioed to ask
their engineers to telephone 'Son
244'. The call went
immediately through the
German-controlled automatic
telephone exchange, and within
minutes the Americans at the
Son bridge had given British
engineers the vital information
they needed to bring up the
proper bridging equipment."
In "September Hope: The American
Side of a Bridge Too Far" by
John C. McManus
(2012 ISBN 978-1-101-58539-9):
"An hour later, an even more
substantial communication link
became available. With the
Germans gone, Joke Lathouwers,
an Eindhoven telephone operator,
had the free run of the Dutch
phone exchange. She called the
Son police station (Son 244
was the number) to see if she
could get in touch with the
Americans. To her delight, an
American voice answered. She
immediately patched the
American-controlled line at Son
through to British-controlled
phone numbers in Aalst and
Valkenswaard. "The telephone
exchange between the troops had
become a fact," she wrote in her
diary. The Americans told the
British about the capture of
Eindhoven and, more important,
about the blown bridge at Son.
The British immediately made
arrangements to move Bailey
bridge equipment and their
engineers to the head of their
column so that, whenever XXX
Corps made it through Eindhoven,
the bridge builders would be in
good position to reach Son
first. All the while, Lathouwers
listened proudly. "I can hardly
describe what went through me
all those hours," she said."

The 1943
telephone directory lists "Vaessen,
P.J. Municipal Police,
Market Square A 58" as the
subscriber for number 244
in Son.
The Story: The local
Resistance organization in
Eindhoven, The PAN, or
Partizanen Actie Nederland, had
already lost one of its members
in combat earlier on the 18th of
September 1944. On Woenselse
Straat, 26 years old grocery
store assistant Adri Luykx was
shot by accident by American
paratroopers. Luykx had just
smashed a window with his German
made rifle and stepped into a
house where German soldiers were
suspected. Too late, the
airborne soldiers recognized
Adri's white PAN brassard.
Following this incident,
American paratroopers were in
the Northern suburbs, working
their way toward the center of
Eindhoven. With sentries at the
doors and riflemen at the
upstairs windows, the Post
Office was well under guard and
in secure hands of the Dutch
resistance. Suddenly a truckload
of German soldiers drove by the
The same witness who was our
source in Case File's # 5 and 8,
mr. Theo Bayens of Eindhoven, 18
years old at the time, explained
us that he was told the truck
came from Kleine Berg and drove
into Vrij Straat.
One of the occupants saw 23 year
old Partisan Theo Van Den
Bogaard from the city of 's-Hertogenbosch
inside the building. To
eliminate the risk of Theo
throwing one of his potato
masher hand grenades from the
second floor window into the bed
of the truck, the Germans opened
fire. Theo sustained a lethal
gun shot wound to the head and
(click on the
images to enlarge)